Bible (Douay-Rheims) Ad-Free


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This App includes the complete ebook - Old and New Testament - of the Douay-Rheims Bible and the audio version of the New Testament of the DRV Bible. All in English Language.FREE Bonus: Access to select Bible, Gospel and Christian Radio Stations**** HOW To USE ***You have the choice of either listening via audio streaming from the internet or you can download the files to your device.
* All files are streamed from the internet (internet connection needed to listen!)* You can also download each MP3 file by using the download icon in the top right corner* If file is downloaded, the app will serve the audio file directly from your device (no internet connection needed)* Audio (streamed and downloaded) stops automatically when you receive a call
The text version e-book are available as a HTML files (no ebook reader needed).To zoom text within ebooks simply double tab in screen.
You can listen to the audio files while reading the text.
*** IMPORTANT INFORMATION ***This is a 100% Ad-Free App! Absolutely no advertisements.